A new craze I have found online: Twitter. Chirping away like mini-bloggettes of occasionally happenings in the dail lives of those who twitter. Twitter is the new found blogger's dream of tiny tidbits of what they are doing now. It's been around for awhile and became popular. I discovered Twitter like two weeks ago and found it to be addicting. I am enjoying the limited box to type limited text of the "going-on's" of Gilberto Garcia. Yes, the blogs I write on "The Chronicles of Gilberto" has been updated, but not as much as I like to. Sometimes I can't figure out what I want to write about! So with Twitter, the limited amount of characters one can type has been mainly challenging, and mostly fun. I found it to be an addicting website and I constantly feel like I have to keep it up. Unlike this Blog, where I have to sit down and think of what to write. Twitter allows you to "follow" someone on Twitter that they too can update. Somtimes you can send "tweets" as much as you want. Simply put Twitter is a journal of what you been doing but in a limited amount of space on the page. As you post your tweets, anyone who is allowed to follow you on their own Twitter pages will constantly keep up with what you are doing.
Sometimes hitting the replies to, on the Twitter page, you can communicate with people. The website allows one to know another is following your tweets on the page. I think it's an awesome website that you can just daily post what's up with you and follow other people as well. Obama has his Twitters and other celeberties as well. The cool thing about this Twitter page is that you can send your tweets through your cellphone or any instant messaging tools. To be able to keep up with what one is doing, the keep the constant daily tweets posted is kind of fun -- not to mention a bit addiciting. I have posted here my page if you want to check out my tweets. I have been posting from my Yahoo! Messenger and it allows me to send my tweets through Yahoo.
Check it out: http://twitter.com/Gilbert_Garcia
I think if you read my blogs, you can "follow" me on Twitter as well! Have fun "tweeting!"

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