Monday, September 28, 2009
Wow, Time Flies by So Fast!
Yesterday on September 27, 2009 I have been working for one year at Disneyland Resorts. I work at the Disneyland Park at the Main Street Stores, mainly the Emporium. I was just thinking back to one year ago when I first started the adventures of being a Cast Member at Disneyland and was realizing how much time has flown by so fast. It was even around this time I started my blogging experiences. I don't know if anyone out there reads them, but it's sort of like a journal writing experience for me to jot out little experiences in my life. Maybe one day I'll look back at these blogs and go, "Wow, I have done somewhat good." I enjoy what I do, working at Disneyland is a fun and workable experience. I like being the cashier, guest servicing and closing the store at nights. The perks are seeing the many changes at the park every season. Right now this is the first week that the park is decorated with Halloween themes: pumpkins everywhere, orange and black decorated all over Main Street. Even the huge Mickey Mouse face Jack O' Lantern is spotted right in the middle of Main Street rotunda.
Well, I just wanted to mentioned that it is my one year anniversary working for Disneyland and I am enjoying every minute of it. It'll be my second year to experience Halloween at Disneyland and the upcoming Christmas Season at the Park is always an enjoyable time. I can't wait for the snow covered main street and the fantastic fireworks at night during the Holidays. That is not so far away and that's why I say to myself: "Wow, Time Flies so Fast!" Mentioning the fireworks, you all have to go see the spectacular Halloween firework show that Disneyland has. It's brand new and you sure won't be disappointed! It's a neat show with music from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion. Also, be sure to see TNBC's Zero flying by over the castle! (Zero is Jack Skellington's dog) Have a fun time during Halloween!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Good Bye Old Friend - Nissan, Hello New Friend - Kia Soul and Other News in the Chronicles of Gilberto

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ah, Peak Season at Disney/Work
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Life so Far, So Good in the Early Month of July
Monday, June 22, 2009
News update:
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What’s UP?
May 28, 2009, Hollywood, California.
Candice came with me to my Deaf West Acting Program class. She enjoyed watching our class and it was Suanne Spoke’s last class and she was a wonderful teacher and person to have in our program. I am glad Candice get to see her. Ed Waterstreet stopped by to observe our class. We enjoyed the teachings of Suanne Spoke and will miss her dearly.
The reason Candice came along was because in the same area of Hollywood, her and I headed to El Capitan Theatre after the Deaf West Acting class to see the premiere film of Disney/Pixar’s latest film, “Up.” We saw it at the beautiful theatre of El Capitan. We came in and got our free soda and popcorn, courtesy of D23. I am a charter member of D23 and I was glad to join this Disney community at this right time because the movie UP! was the most recent movie during the charter year of D23. We grabbed our free tub of popcorn and soda and headed up the the balcony level of the theatre. We watched someone played beautiful and recognizable Disney music on the grand organ.
After the beautiful music we applaud the talented organ player and watched the wonderful and energetic fun show of lights and dazzling effects on a backdrop on the stage. It was wonderful sight to see. And then the backdrop rises for a show of dancers and fun lively music playing.
First came down the screen with its beautifully designed animated backdrop. The animation was like watching a lightshow as the colors and scene changes from rainbow display of dazzling colors to the backdrop of the famous Hollywood sign on the hills.
After all the fun dancing, the show was about to start.
John Ratzenberger, the guy from Cheers who voice a lot of Pixar/Disney’s film was there to introduce the movie Up. He stood there to talk about his voicing for Pixar/Disney films like Toy Story, and he even talked about Toy Story 3 coming out soon! And yes, before the movie Up there was a preview of it.
The voice of John Ratzenberger is easily recognizable in Toy Story, he voices Hamm the Piggy Bank and some other voices for Pixar/Disney movies. It was neat to watch him talk about the projects in the future and how he thinks this film was one of the better ones that he was involved in. He mentioned to us to enjoy this movie and to enjoy the show. Thus the show began and I am telling you with the Disney 3D for the movie previews and the feature film was awesome! It was a great story of an old man and a little boy on a soaring adventure with a house lifted by millions of balloons. The film was opened to D23 members and I was glad to see so many people in the theatre who are members like me. We even got gifts on the way out – a D23 UP collectible pin and a balloon. We even went into the Disney’s Soda Fountain and Studio Store afterwards and bought another collectible pin and a mug to keep as souvenir of our adventures in Hollywood at the El Capitan Theatre. It was a fun time and I was glad to share it with Candice!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother’s Day – What It Means to Me
Yesterday was Mother’s Day. We spent the day with my other “Mother.” My girlfriend’s mother is very nice and wonderful, and shows a lot of enthusiasm in the things she does for Candice and me. Oftentimes, I think of my Mother and how she always does things for me. And unfortunately since the distance is far for my Mom to see her everyday like I do with Candice’s Mom; I feel like even thought I am Candice’s boyfriend, I still feel like a son to her and vice versa, Monica, feels like a mother to me.
So yesterday with Mother’s Day, we did what Monica wanted. A nice dinner, all three of us, and to have some Lobster and watch the Lakers. Well, sure enough, Candice, Monica and I went to the market and bought fresh lobster. It was my first time having lobster for a meal and I didn’t know to buy them, we had to buy them still living! I was amazed by how delicious these lobsters tasted. We had our little drinks, cheese and crackers as appetizers. While the Lobsters were cooking we watched the Lakers get spanked. All of this before I left for work, which was why I couldn’t go and see my Mother far, far away. I still called her, IM her and wished my Mom and Christina a Happy Mother’s Day.
Back to thinking of that day, Mother’s Day, was feeling like any regular day. Then I realized, wow, it’s great to be able to honor all the Mothers everywhere. I admired and respect my own Mother who strived to make sure we had the best of everything. My Mom, even though was the “stay-at-home” type of mother, she still was busy in her lives raising her two children – Christina and I. I show the love, determination and hard work in her as she raised us in her religious convictions: to be able to love and obey God in our lives. She raised us to love everyone and to be kind to everyone. My Mom went through so much effort to make sure we had everything – yes, our Mom spoiled us growing up. But it was out of her heart, her love and kindness that made us become who we are today.
I see that in my sister, Christina, and how she is now a mother raising her own son. Jake Michael Franks has become such a cute adorable young boy and he is so full of life! Christina and Larry of course are trying their best to make sure Jake is happy and living the life he should. This in retrospect has given me the perspective of Mother’s Day and what it means to me. Mother’s Day has the essence of respect, love and admiration for all those hard working Mothers. We shouldn’t just take this one day yesterday and say “I Love You Mom, and Thank you for being the best a Mom can be.” No, we should be able to show our Mothers through our own hard work and dedication and show appreciation everyday to our Mothers of our current place in our lives. Without our Mothers what we do today would not be possible for the love and guidance of our Mothers from the yesterdays we have lived in the past. Growing up my perspective of Mothers have changed so much with the ever-changing life of today’s society. There are a lot of single Mothers, a lot of Mothers who are working, a lot of Mothers still going to school, and so therefore, it’s twice the effort and hard work to be able to raise your children instilling the values that their Mothers passed on to them.
This is how I see Christina with Jake. This is how I see Monica with Candice and I. This is how I see the love and admiration I have for all mothers. It doesn’t have to take that one special Day of Mother’s Day to instill our values and appreciation for all our Mothers. It takes our appreciation for them by the things we do to make them happy and proud. Therefore, I say to my Mom, Annabelle Garcia, and my other “Mom” who stays with us in our home, Thank you for being my Mom and thank you for all the things you do through the kindness and love of your heart. And may faith be your strength for the new Mothers out there, and for my sister who is making one day at a time to be as enjoyable as the next for her own son. May God always Bless you with the gifts of love and life. You sure deserve it!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Newport Beach Film Festivel and Deaf West Theatre Acting Program
As for the movie, "See What I Am Saying" with CJ Jones, TL, and many others who documented on the Deaf entertainment field and how hard it is to actually find acts. With the noticeable community of Deaf people we tend to know all these people; but the struggles to make it out in the bigger Hearing World is a challenge. This is what this film was all about and it was well done and marvelously directed by Hillary Scarli. I enjoyed this film so much, that I hope it wins for the best film at the Newport Beach Film Festivel. I heard it won at the Philadelphia Film Festival and received great acclaim for its work.
Watch my Vlog for more information on the "happenings" of my life in The Chronicles of Gilberto!
Until Next Time. . . ! Thanks for watching.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Deaf West Acting Program - My Visit

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Soreson Video Phone - Technology Benefits the Deaf

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Deaf West Theatre Acting Program

Monday, March 23, 2009
Twitter - What Are You Doing Now?

Monday, March 16, 2009
Pippin Rocks!
Center Theatre Group and Deaf West Theatre knows how to put on a great show!
Since Deaf West and Center Theatre Group merge to create Deaf-musicals, they have been successful at what they do. The previous Sleeping Beauty Wakes got huge reviews and the first one that I saw at Mark Taper Forum was Big River. starring Tyrone Giodran. He again does the role of Pippin and Ty Taylor (picture shown below) as the scene stealing Lead Player – Both actors did a great job at this Deaf West and Center Theatre Group collaboration.
The songs and the music was awesome and it was such a great time to watch the musical numbers in ASL from both the Deaf and Hearing actors. The whole cast worked the play fluently and they seem to be having fun playing their parts. The minimalistic stage and props give the actors room to stage their ASL as the play itself. Watching the motion of the hands and arms, and the body placing themselves around the stage was such a spectacular feat in itself.
Stephen Schwartz who created the original Pippin was excited to have Pippin reproduced by Deaf West Theatre after the success of Big River by the same theatre companies, and the successful hard work by the cast and the crew displayed that this was indeed a new genre of ASL Broadway style productions. I was so impressed by the dazzling costumes, the actors and actresses who flaunt themselves on the stage and the role of the Player by Ty Taylor was very magical experience as he went from location to location singing and signing the lyrics to the musical beat of Pippin. It was such a magical experience that I enjoyed every minute of it. Let’s not forget the timing of the humor was on spot and the pace of the play was quite awhile, but worth every minute of it.
Here is a great critical review from the Schwartz website:
Pippin Finds a New Voice
By Suzy Evans
Stephen Schwartz has been waiting a long time for a revival of Pippin like the one at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles. “Over the last several years, I've periodically been approached about a revival of Pippin and for one reason another the circumstances didn’t really make sense,” Schwartz explained in a January interview. There had to be enough of a reason. “And then when Jeff Calhoun called me about doing it with Deaf West, immediately that seemed the ideal way to do it.”
Deaf West is a Los Angeles-based company that casts deaf and hearing actors in their productions. Working with Center Theatre Group, they had already staged Big River with great success, and it was time for something new.
For Deaf West productions, hearing actors are required to learn their lines in American Sign Language (ASL) while the deaf actors must learn how to keep in time with the music while being voiced by hearing actors.
Schwartz thinks Pippin is a natural choice for this kind of presentation because elements of Pippin’s original production can be used to accentuate Deaf West’s interpretation. "The original production for Pippin and most of the revivals that I’ve seen involve the use of hands in various ways, gesturing etc.,” he said. “Obviously when you’re dealing with speaking with your hands and with signing then that adds a whole other element to it.”
Pippin is a story about discovering who you are, and Schwartz, who started writing the show for an extracurricular group in college, called the show “semi-autobiographical.” However, Pippin’s journey of self-discovery takes on a new meaning as these two distinct cultures merge. Schwartz wanted to play with the idea of having people who speak with their hands find their "voice." He comments, “There are ways in which certain concepts of the production and specific moments specifically speak to that issue.”
Musical Schwartz - March 16, 2009
LA TIMES is the best newspapers for Theatrical reviews as well. This one link will lead you to the Review of Pippin:
LA Times Review of Pippin from Deaf West
I am so glad I went to see this play. Since I missed Sleeping Beauty Wakes by the same Theatre Companies, I was so relieved to finally have seen Pippin. It was such a great evening with Kaisa, Candice and I. Later in the evening over a glass of wine before entering the theater at Mark Taper Forum, we met with Alex and his friend. I hoped everyone enjoyed their first Deaf Musical production if they never seen one before. But for Candice and I, this was our of of many and hopefully many more to come!
Here is a clip from Broadway World .. you can see the opening night party, rehearsals and more. And the Lead Player of Pippin Ty Taylor takes you on a backstage tour. ENJOY!
Hope you all enjoy this review of the Musical of Pippin for it was indeed a magical experience to watch it.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday the 13th!
Hello everyone, today is Friday. The 13th Friday of March 2009. Usually the superstitious people are freaked out by this number and on this day, Friday. Anytime I hear the term “Friday the 13th” I think of Jason with the hockey mask chasing people with a machete. Oh so scary! Nevertheless, today has been a great day so far, (to the superstitious – I will “knock on wood” when I say that) beautiful outside, and blue sky. The dogs are up and about, Paris who has been not feeling well, seems to be better now. And tonight I am headed to Los Angeles to the Mark Taper Forum to see Pippin. So, with this being the next to last show, we are actually LUCKY to get some tickets and good seats to boost. I am excited about going tonight to see Deaf West Theatre production of Pippin. Should be a nice evening out with a show filled with music and American Sign Language.
Now, as I look back at all my Friday the 13ths; I never really had any bad ones. So far, I think the tradition of Friday the 13th for me has been good. So far, I am having a good day, and the history of Friday the 13th dates back to Biblical times: the Last Supper Jesus had 13 Disciples, and the 13th one is the one that betrayed Jesus; 13 suffers it’s position after the number 12, which is a complete number and since there are 12 months in a year, 12 signs in the Zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 days of Christmas, and 12 eggs in a dozen – thus 13 suffers after the number 12.
You can read more about Friday the 13th from the Yahoo Page through this link: Yahoo! News Web Site on Friday the 13th
Well, so far, so good. A Good Friday for me, and now I am off to see Pippin tonight at the Mark Taper Forum. Until next time, have a Happy Friday! And also a Great weekend!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm Going to See Pippin!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Happy Birthday to me!
Let’s break into a birthday song: “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Gilbert!” *Blow out the candles"* Yay! Wow, 33 candles on the cake. That’s how many years I have lived. Born in Apple Valley, California on this 6th day of March 1976. 33 years ago I war born to lovely parents: Annabelle and Michael. Who couldn’t ask for such better parents than these. It was 33 years ago that my life began and was raised in Barstow, California. So far, it’s been a great life. I am enjoying every minute of it. The long road from babyhood to adulthood was not quite long, I am still young! 33 is nothing. 33 is a number only in gaining the experience and memorable life so far has gained a lot of confidence in my life. I have such great confidence in my job and I am enjoying every bit of my job at Disneyland. The road from beginning and continuing onwards has given me a positive outlook on everything around me. I feel so confidence that I can celebrate many more birthdays ahead of me.
Looking forward to tomorrow when my family comes down to see where I live in Costa Mesa, California. They will come down to celebrate my birthday. I am glad to be off tomorrow. Tonight, I will work at Disneyland and still he happy for another day of celebration is still ahead of me. I am looking forward to my parents, sister and her husband, my brother in law, and my nephew, Jake to come down and spend the day with me. I am looking forward to showing them where I live. This will be a fun weekend! I am so looking forward to it.
Now, I am pondering the many adventures ahead: Baseball and Football are going to start soon. Baseball will start because it’s springtime baby! I love baseball season. The spring air, the green grass, and the ball players with the sounds of the crack of the bat as it hits the ball and the sound of the ball punching into the gloves. SMACK! Beautiful, and the game itself – America’s Game will start up again and I am looking forward to Mannywood. It’s going to be a great season, once again, for the Dodgers. And Football, my beloved 49ers has gained a lot of players, and lost some great ones due to free agency, but the team is still intact, but a new offensive coordinator will bring back Frank Gore’s running prowess. Hopefully good things will come for the 49ers. My team, forever Gold!
Well, here we go, let’s celebrate my 33 years of life and let all these balloons go! Ready? One, Two, Three! Let them go… fly, fly away to the sky!
Thanks for reading my blog today, and continue to look forward to even more and don’t worry soon there will be stories and other things coming soon…
Enjoy your day and your weekend. Until Next time. . .
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Manny's Back!

Courtesy of Yahoo! Sports, March 4, 2009
Manny is baaaacccckkkk!!! Just in time he finally signed a 2 year offer for $45 million. After a lengthy back and forth banter of yeses and nos. The agreement finally came down to signing the contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers. So this means that Manny Ramirez can start the spring training with the Dodgers, working out, and polishing that old maple bat and start hitting those home runs out of Ravine Park at Dodger stadium. Now all the Dodger nation dubbed Manny Ramirez as Mannywood. Of course, he's the one that brings the electrifying fans and brings the Dodgers some big explosive at the plate. I am finally happy he agreed to play for the Dodgers and not some other baseball team out there. This only makes the Dodgers stronger to overcome Arizona Diamondbacks and the San Francisco Giants. With a reliable hitting team, the Dodgers can now go all the way from start to the finish of the season. With such big playoff hopes now in the books, we can hope to face anyone, anywhere with a reliable at bat from Manny Ramirez. (I just hope toward the end of the season our pitching will not go through injuries or at least they can hold on and go out strong to make it through at least one playoff team.)
The big issue from this deal is that Manny was being too greedy to say yes to original Dodgers offers and not be too boastful in wanting more money. A lot of people agreed with this economic times that Manny should just take whatever offer was given. But he was right about one thing, with A-Rod being the top player in baseball, the Yankees give A-Rod a big deal and he is the top paying player right now. (Yankees can afford A-Rod and his issues of if he should be playing after the mess with the 'roids issue. If the steroids issue is true, then A-Rod shouldn't be playing at all! Thus, making Manny the top paid player) Manny just wanted to earn his keep and be worth the stuff he is made out of. I think that he is made out of a lot of stuff and even more, and I think the Dodgers can give him more money, but the Dodgers organization blames the economy. I don't think that's what Manny is concern about, and he is not greedy in some respect. With the economy we like to think people who are suffering from job losses and being laid off and wanting more money for themselves should be able to think that Manny Ramirez is just being greedy. I think the Dodgers can afford him and should give him his money worth. Why? After all, the electricity of Dodgers fans have improved so much. The fans are fired up when Manny is there, and it's become such a paranoia and a pandemonium. In other words its gotten crazy in Dodgertown. Dodgers are now embracing a new type of Hollywood. Manny fits with this team and he deserves to be here in Los Angeles, for the power of the West has shifted to the True Blue team and with our reliable hitting and somewhat inconsistent pitching, we are able to be the best in the National League. If only we can get over the hump of playoffs and get through our pitching, then we become Dodger-nation.
What can I say? Manny's back! Better than ever, because at least he'll start the season off with a bang and hopefully he will play for his money's worth. After all, the Dodgers are worth the show and Manny's the one in the spotlight, for he wants it as much as the Dodgers want that pennant and the World Series can be a reality if Manny keeps his bat polished and his swinging swift and powerful. Welcome back Manny!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Another Monday, Another Week
Today is Monday, March 2, 2009. This morning was a nice cool morning, and the morning brought a gloomy overcast. The clouds had grayness for it was laden with rain. The weather report on KTLA 5 news said it will rain this week. Well, I don’t mind the rain, but what I do mind is getting a few more hours of sleep. No, but our two dogs needed to get out and to do their business. Nevertheless, I got up and took them out and realized it wasn’t that bad of a day. It’s Monday, a new week and this is the first week of March and of course, the week of my upcoming 33rd birthday. Man, the sound of 33 still rings confusedly in my ears. I am going to be 33 already! Time has flown fast and with the age going up and up, I’m thinking where has birthday 13 gone? How about 23? Long gone are these numbers, and a new one approaches – 33! Double Three. Wow, so March 6, is coming up this Friday and I am going to be one old man. Nah, age is nothing but a number and I don’t feel old at all. I feel all right and I feel good.
So I got up today, walked the dogs, and came back in had my coffee and Candice, along with her Mother, went to UCI and dropped her off, and Monica and I went to meet our friend Sara and her boyfriend at Disneyland. I let them in with my pass and we all went down to a Small World ride together. I tell you, it was a nice day out – no crowds and no lines. Monday seems to be great days to stop at Disneyland and get on rides and stuff. We went on the new boats and soar through the songs of a “Small World” and saw the new features that were added there. The dolls were improved, and they added recognizable Disney characters throughout the worlds. Lilo and Stich for the Hawaiian theme, Donald Duck in some various places, and Mulan for China, and so forth. It was worth the ride and I enjoyed it. It is still one of the most relaxing boat rides at Disneyland. The songs, of course, were still catchy with small changes to the songs for the added characters. But the view of all the “Small World” was amazing. I enjoyed this ride a lot.
Afterwards, we went to pick up Candice and we went home for lunch and now we came here to Borders bookstore to study, write, and browse around. I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee while i write this blog. So far, it’s been a good day. So far, so good.
At Borders Bookstore, I got a good book titled “American Short Story.” I am reading greats like Ray Bradbury, Shirley Jackson, etc. And I bought this book for my reading adventures outside on our balcony for the upcoming Springtime season. I know I will enjoy these short stories as much as I want to keep striving to write my own short story. I am working on one now and perhaps in future blogs, I will be able to post some here. Look forward to my blogs in the future and just maybe you will see one posted.
Until then, later!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Hope for the Best
Again, as I sit out here on the balcony on such a calm relaxing day. The blue skies I see with the occasional plane droning by. I breathe a sigh of relief for I have done something yesterday that I was finally relieved to explain to my family -- I am not going to school at UCI anymore. I am deciding to work at Disneyland as my career move and a best one at that. Know why? Well, I was in the credential program at UCI and I pursued it with some sort of ambition that drove me to continue on in college. But one thing I couldn’t keep passing was the CSET and that will allow me to continue on in the program. One thing led to another as I felt I wasn’t getting the results I needed to continue up and graduate with my credentials. This was one reason I finally realize that taking a summer job at Disneyland last year was going to pay off if I kept working. So luckily the long road in education has come to a realization for me that I knew that if I don’t continue the credential program and still have a job with Disney, then everything will be alright. Thanks to God I hear that a lot of people who were in the credential program and did graduated and got their credentials are still struggling to find a job as a teacher in the school system. Right now with this economy, the State of California has laid off teachers and are not hiring many teachers right now. Briefly noticed, the school system is in a hiring freeze right now. So I count my blessings and give my Thanks to God that I do have this wonderful job at Disneyland and it’s still going strong. I knock on wood that I am able to work at Disneyland instead of continuing the credential program and afterwards not being able to find work at schools will greatly affect my life. Therefore, what I have decided to do with my education and continue working at one of the Happiest Place on Earth has, in the long run, given me positive lessons in pursuing this job at Disneyland. Of course, I know some disappointments from family that realize that I should have been a teacher already, but sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way you expect them to. I always wanted to be somewhere that made me happy and where else could you not find this “happiness” bu at the Happiest Place on Earth!? You see, I enjoyed subbing at CSDR and University High School and surrounding Deaf and Hard of Hearing programs; but I enjoyed my job placement at Disneyland so much. I am basically happy.
Sometimes with the economy the way it is in our country -- we are filled with hope that things will turn around. With a new President in Obama, we can hope that things will turn out alright in the later future. People are struggling to find work, struggling to make ends meet, and sometimes we can only have faith in what God has planned for us. Sometimes these experiences in the struggles with our economic woes do hit home. And they did. My brother in law got laid off from Santa Fe and it was such a heart-wrenching day for my Sister and my Brother -in-Law, that I felt bad. But God does have His plans and things will turn around and I am hoping that the President that I voted for, Obama can turn things around. It’s going to be a long ride and it’s going to take a lot of patience and mainly, it’s going to take a lot of courage to believe that this country can turn the economy around. It’s going to take awhile I believe, and with the State of California cutting so much from education, I believe the choices I have made will be beneficial for what I want to do with my life. Disneyland is a good economic investment and they are a place where people with problems want to go somewhere that they can escape the reality of their world for a little while. Disneyland will always be that place where both adults and children will be able to play and leave their worries outside for a little bit. And it is not just the United State of America who come to Disneyland, but other countries of the world. So somehow, people still show up to Disneyland for it’s an amusement park, and people still want to be amused, no matter what is going on around them outside of Disneyland. This is why during the Depression; people wanted to escape by listening to Jazz and watching the shows of that time. Perhaps with today’s economical times in our country, we are reaching the ideal “depression era” and to be able to escape people can only hope to go to Disneyland and/ or hope and pray for the best in their lives. I always pray and hope to God that things will be alright for everyone out there.
Especially those close to home. My sister and brother-in-law will be alright. I just hope they can realize that hope is a thing that shouldn’t be taken for granted. But with God in our hearts, we can always pray that the brighter days will still be ahead. All we can do is be happy with what we have and who we have all around us. Family, friends, and love is what keeps all of us going. Not money, but it does help sometimes. Now that is what makes me happy, knowing I have people all around me, and that makes me happy. I know the choices I make in my life will turn out to be good and mean something. After all, God has a plan for everyone and that my friends, is what I wanted to say today. Just be happy, just hold on, and have faith and courage to know things will be alright in the end. Keep on hoping and keep on praying .
Love to all and continue to keep on reading. Thank you for continuing to read my blogs. Much appreciated.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Manny Ramirez Watch
Patience is a virtue we Dodgers fans must all have. But greed is a virtue that is part of the 7 Deadly Sins. Manny Ramirez being on the news a lot in Dodgertown, USA, is making me crazy. When is this dude going to sign with the Dodgers. The team of Los Angeles, California from the Ravine can be able to sign Manny Ramirez to 2 years, but it’s a lot of money. The question we must ask ourselves, “is he really worth it?” I think so, so hell yeah! He is much worth it. Look at last year, when Manny Ramirez came on board with the Dodgers, it was very big news. First, Manny wasn’t happy with the Boston Sox and he decided to move on and move on he did. He went to the Dodgers and made them from a mediocre team to a 1st place team handling the West rivals with fierceness and ferocity. And that was enough to win the West and steal it from previous winners in the West: San Diego Padres and the Arizona Diamondbacks. They ate our dust when Manny Ramirez would hit those big home runs that electrify the home crowd in Los Angeles. I think Manny Ramirez gave the Dodgers the super-boost they very much needed.
Today in the sports news the rumors are still on strong that Manny Ramirez has agreed to sign with the Dodgers. This rumor came from a ticket sales rep from Dodgers organization who left voice mail to season ticket holders that the Dodgers are going to sign Manny Ramirez. But all that was a rumor according to the Dodgers organization. So if the rumors are going on strong, then that means we might be getting closer to either signing Manny Ramirez or losing him to another team (hopefully not any of our division rivals). Here is the link to the article if you are interested in reading rumors form CNN Sports Illustrated: Dodgers Refute Sales Rep Manny Rap
As we watch Manny Ramirez and how much he wants from any team for whatever years, we must be patience, but hopefully the MLB players with the greed and wanting so much money, can be able to get this Baseball season going. I just hope when the green grass at Dodgers Stadium grows, and smashing it with their cleat shoes and mitt in hand, is the dreadlocked monster of Manny Ramirez standing in the outfield will be in Dodger blue. Either the sight of him signing on the dotted line for the Dodgers to accept an offer he cannot refuse or either watching him blast those home runs and give the vibe and energetic rush that the Dodgers needed for a long time. For a bit of the season, Manny did give the Dodgers that super-boost, but a super-boost of ego in Manny Ramirez would only get him to sign with the true blue team of National Baseball League: Dodgers! Until then my friends, we have to keep watch.. Manny Ramirez watch and hopefully when we sight him in the outfield he would be wearing the old glory of Dodgers blue.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
As I continue to Blog . . .
Monica and I sitting out here on our balcony at 11:42am on February 24, 2009. It’s a beautiful but warm day outside. Ricardo, our maintenance guy, came out to our balcony to finish up the last touches and now with out chairs set up , we were ready to enjoy the outdoors on our balcony. It’s a warm day as we sit out here writing, freeing out minds -- Monica with her writing and I with my blogging. I continue to keep up with my blogs for I think it’s the current journal writing of our days. I like to just type out whatever is on my mind. For this time of day with the sun at high noon and the open clear blue skies with the occasional airplane taking off from the nearby John Wayne Airport, it is perfect -- perfect to sit out here and just write whatever comes to mind. With the creativity and enthusiasm to write has improved my writing a lot since I moved out here to Costa Mesa. Since I have been writing a lot in my blogs, I think I should go ahead and start a novel or a screenplay. The latter, is very hard to write out because I always get stuck on whether to write a screen play or a theatrical play. Oftentimes, novels will come easier, but the work is long and challenging. Right now, as I see the dogs out here with us, I think it’s a beautiful day so far.
Then Shumae is getting all anxious and I thought, I better get up and take her out for her “break.” I am trying to get her to potty outside. Paris loves to come along, so I tied up the leash on her and Shumae and we all go outside. I walk outside and let them do their business. It’s been awhile for Shumae to learn how to go outside and do her thing. Finally, she accomplished what I wanted her to do and I am so happy I pat her and say, “Good girl Shumae.” Paris, of course, does her thing and she wags her tail all happy. In succeeding I take them both for their walks outside and they love to walk out here in our beautiful area. I figured it was time to head back in and take my shower before I do anything else. So far it has been a beautiful day.
Back outside on the balcony overlooking our lovely pool area and watching the airplanes zooming by. (They are indeed loud, but that doesn’t bother me, it’s actually relaxing.) The planes flying overhead sounds like the ocean -- soothing and relaxing. I figure it’s nice to be out here blogging and you can see from this tiny clip, that on my web cam on my laptop, I am blogging. That’s my face of blogging. I know it’s a little too much for this blog. But I am enjoying my Aspire One Acer mini-laptop with the built in web cam. It’s been a neat feature since last night I could chat with my Dad on the IM and see him on Windows Live web cam feature. The world gets smaller when such technology like this exist. I believe the technology of the world helps us communicate better with one another. And being Deaf the technology has given us the advantage to communicate effectively and the tools to be aware of what’s going on in the world. With Blogging it’s one way of communicating daily lives of people all over the world. Whoever reads my blogs will know and understand my days as a blogger. Why is it important to blog? Mainly, it’s fun and I see myself doing this more and more as my new laptop gives me such great power to be able to blog anywhere, anytime.
Here I am blogging and I am determined to finish it so I can post it on
As I continue to sit out here on our balcony watching the planes fly by, I am enthralled to be enjoying this last week of February because after all guess what, March is coming. And those who know me, know what March brings -- baseball! Dodgers season will open up pretty soon and yes, I admit it’s the month of my Birthday! Soon in the upcoming days it’ll be my last week to enjoy being 32, and soon I will be getting closer to being 33 and that’s something! But I don’t feel old at all, I don’t feel like I’m getting any older, after all I feel like it’s going to be a great 33 when it comes. After all, a new age, a new life in Costa Mesa, California, and a new home . . . What can I tell you? Life is great!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Beautiful Days Ahead. . .
Ah, the sun is back! Beautiful days ahead or is it calm before the storm? I think it’s a little bit of both. Lately it has been raining a lot and it brings a sigh of relief when the golden sun peeks through the clouds and finally seems alive when it’s shining brightly on Costa Mesa. Since, the sun is out and shining, the days become warmer and it’s blissful! Today, I think I will just enjoy this day and relax and absorb some rays. I love the idea that my apartment has a balcony overlooking the pool and the scenery is so perfect! The blue skies and the occasional bird or plane passing by overhead is surreal and relaxing. As of now I am drinking my Breakfast Blend coffee fresh from the grinded whole beans and writing in my blog. No big news to report, just a little blogging to get my mind in working gear. Like I said before, I am going to enjoy this day and relax. What I wanted to mention in this blog is my job at Disneyland. Especially my adventures last night driving home – I got lost!
Last night I went to work in middle of the afternoon, which is hardly what I have done so far for this job. Going into work and thinking of the economy made me realize I am indeed lucky to have this Disneyland job and working has been busy but fun. I enjoy all the walks of life that I encountered. There were people from all over the world who came into our parks and into our stores. Sometimes I think with the economic crisis, that Disneyland is not going to falter, but it’s still going on strong. It was amazing at how busy it was last night and seeing how much money Disneyland’s Emporium on Main Street made so much money. It was crowded last night, so many people visiting the park and entering our store was really a weird sight – especially in the middle of the week!
Now about being lost, I was going home and I missed the turn to get on the 5 to Bristol, and when I got on the 405 and seeing that Bristol was still an apparent exit, I took it and went all over these weird streets. I figured I keep on going on Bristol to find my way back home. But no, I stupidly went on all these weird name streets and figured I better find my way back to the freeway. With no freeway entrance in sight I kept on going. As I kept going and finding the 22 and thought I head west and finally seeing the welcome sight of the 405, I headed back on the 405 and took the 55 back to the normal sights of streets I finally recognized, and finally taking Bristol that I know and am familiar with I found my way back home. It took me a long time to finally arrive home. I was lost, stressed, tired, but finally made it home. Nevertheless, it was somewhat of an adventure of a lone driver heading home from work. That goes to show, never miss the turn to exit.
Well, I got lost and was feeling better after I arrived home. I was so exhausted from work and being lost, that I went straight to bed and fell asleep. Hoping for a brand new day with great weather, I finally found the sun shining outside and thought, ah, I am off today and I don’t have to go to work and perhaps get lost in the bustle of crowds at our stores or be lost on unfamiliar streets as I find my way home. No, I will stay home and read a good book, perhaps play a game or two on my XBOX. As for now, I am enjoying blogging on Windows Live Writer and posting this blog on Blogger and hopefully someone out there in the world will read it. Now an idea as stuck the recesses of my minds (filled with cobwebs in the attic of thought I assume) and the light in the attic has been turned on and I think I will start writing more and more. Since I moved out here to the new apartments, our new home, in a new city, I found myself being able to write. I guess when one has embraced himself or herself in a new environment, the writer’s block chips away and the writer within oneself comes alive. I think this is the reason for my recent blogs, to be able to write creatively and freely. Stories that I used to write as a kid doesn't come as freely because of my creative juices that hasn't been squeezed out of my brain yet. In time, the juices of imagination will flow freely. I am sure of this.. .
Meanwhile, as you read my blogs, I am sure a story or two in this attic of mine with the lights left on will come to appear. It only takes that walking up the steps to reach the door of this attic. But from where I stand from the bottom of the stairwell that leads to this attic; I see the door is left ajar. My friend, the lights are on, but nobody is home . . . just yet. Look forward to more blogs on “The Chronicles of Gilberto.” Have a beautiful day and more beautiful days ahead!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy New Year: So Far, So Good

Happy New Year - 2009
I let out a content sigh as I sit out on our back porch overlooking apartment's pool area. The “Melrose Place” essence of this pool area is gorgeous and I can’t wait for Summer this year. The pool looks so inviting and relaxing.

It has been awhile since I wrote something about the going-ons of my life. As l begin the new year ablaze filled with adventures I have already experienced. For example, my nephew’s 2nd birthday was celebrated at Disneyland Park. My Mom and Dad, Christina and Larry and of course, the adorable Jake, all went to Disneyland and with me working there, I got them in for free. It was a fun-filled day with laughter and smiles. The biggest smile of them all was Jake’s. We all had a great time getting on all the rides for Jake. We went on the Tea Cups, the Fantasyland storybook rides, and finally got on Dumbo. The flying elephants with the big ears have always been one of my favorite memories of my Mom and I riding it when I was little. Now I am not so little, but with the idea of Disney magic and memories – my Mom and I got on the Dumbo ride. It was such a wonderful time riding with my Mom like we did almost 30 years ago! Anyway, we all had a great time at Disneyland and of course this is a special event in my nephew’s life and all of ours as we celebrated his birthday Disney-style.

As I mentioned I am writing this from the patio overlooking the lovely pool on this warm day. As I look around I see all around the apartments, the beautiful green trees and the planes taking off in the sky, the sounds of the cars passing by on the streets nearby. The local restaurants make me hungry as well – Del Taco, Denny’s and many others. This is a quiet neighbor and the only sounds are the planes taking off, but that is alright, because it doesn’t bother me one bit. Inside the apartment we are already settling in and comfortable. I am enjoying this new place and I think this will be our home for a long time. I thank God for all the wonderful things He has offered us and as we take each day by day, we have to remember to count our blessings. This is the perfect place to live.
With the hiring of a moving company, we had it made, and all we had to do was take the rest of our stuff to our new location. During the move and the cleaning, we took a pause in our tiring labors to watch the Super Bowl, and I tell you it was one of the best games I have seen in awhile. The Steelers defense was so strong, that Arizona Cardinals had no chance at all. But in the end it was a game to watch and enjoy as I cheered on the underdogs. Of course, the Steelers made such a spectacular catch at the end to seal the deal. Pittsburgh wins their champion and now I look forward to a new Baseball Season coming up in the spring. With the HD channels of our new cable provider, I can’t wait for baseball to come. Meanwhile, I watch the Lakers and root them on, and they are having a blast of a season being the best they can be. I am enjoying the new place, as I look back and sigh in relief that the move is complete and over with. Settling in our new place, as I sit here on the balcony overlooking the inviting pool, I look up to the skies and thank God for the days ahead. I am happy working still at Disneyland and a few weeks back I got a memento of my 4 months of working at Disneyland: I finally achieved status of receiving my “Ears.” Cast members that work for awhile at Disneyland get recognition and the Ears are just one of the many recognitions of working at Disneyland. So I thank God for a wonderful and fun job at Disneyland, so I can proudly show off my “Ears” as I continue to work at Disneyland.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and I hope to write more in the future. I haven’t been doing this for awhile since as I mentioned with the Big Move, didn’t have the time. Now as I am settled in the nice apartments and enjoying life as it comes, there will be more to come. Everyone is happy, our dogs are happy, and I am happy. I hope you too, are happy.