Sunday, June 8, 2008

School is Out - Welcome Back Summer

Summer days are here again, and I feel like this will once again be a hot one. (And probably an expensive one - what with the gas prices and all!) Nevertheless, summer has always been an adventure filled with surprises and fun. Starting off my summer will of course be the auditions at Disney this Saturday! I am so excited about this! (I hope I can be a character, perhaps Mickey Mouse himself - who knows!)

This Summer there is going to be my cousin Regina's wedding in New Mexico in July. I think that will be fun. I have always love New Mexico. It's so beautiful out there. New Mexico is where my family is from, but I'm a born Californian. That's why I think I love Summer. The sun, the beaches, and the feel of perfect weather to be outside with a good book and a cold glass of iced tea.

Summer time is nice at night too -- the cool breeze from the Santa Ana winds, the nice skies of twinkling stars, and the big moon overwatching us. The summer nights are wonderful because its usually is the welcome guest of the hot days.

Another thing I love about summers are the movies! I enjoy going to the movies. Candice and I, hopefully we will go see a movie or two this summer. I love the idea of going to the movies and enjoying it with one you love. Its the best feeling in the world. The scent and taste of popcorn, the big soda drink to satisfy the thrist, and the loud sounds of the movie soundtracks -- its Hollywood at its best: on the Big screens during the Big holiday months of Summer.

Now school is out, summer is in and the fun begins. What does summer hold in store for me? Disney? Movies? Wedding bells ringing? Trip to New Mexico? Only time will tell. As time does fly by quickly, so does the fun. Time flies by as the fun builds up to an all time high. The closer the days get to my audition, the higher the excitement to probably get a job for the summer. For school is out, I'm officially on break from UCI till the Fall, and which is why I am looking forward to summer in hopes to work as Mickey. Oh summer time, but oh oh what about those summer nights....yes, summer is here again. Welcome back old friend.

Now how about a bike?

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