The Fair has returned to Orange County and the best thing about the Fair for us is that it's right around the corner! The Fair returned to Costa Mesa at the OC Fairgrounds and has set up dazzling displays of livestock, arts, carnival rides and of course so much food! As soon as I walked in the first thing I saw was the signs pointing out the various places to eat. The scents of deep fried and wonderful aromas of food everywhere has got my stomach growling at wanting to taste everything close by.
This was a great fair and I have been to the San Bernardino County Fair at Victorville and saw a few concerts, got on a few rides, and of course did some sight seeing. But nothing beats the OC Fair and it was such a spectacular time seeing Weird Al's Brain in 3-D (which the owl 'Norm' represents a familar guy named Dr. Norm Weinberger from UCI Lab) and it was well done very educational mind boggling experience (pardon the pun). Of course, I had to eat, and being so hungry and indecisive at the many places to get a party going in your taste buds -- I couldn't decide! Finally I settled on a 1/2 pound cheeseburger that was rather tasty! I could of gone for the 1 pounder! Thinking I needed to save room for a funnel cake (which I did at the end of the visit). Before eating my very first fried twinkie --- YUMMY! -- I enjoyed devouring some brisket and squirting down some nice cold lemonade in our souvenir cup.
The best part of the visit I believe was to see the ice sculptures which were very artistically done. A Mona Lisa replica in ice was amazing, but even more amazing was the sight of "the Thinker" in ice -- a full size replica in all it's icy form. It was expectantly not as cold as I thought it was going to be. Besides, it was hot outside and the welcome icy cold temps were a warm welcome.
Continuing on to see some concerts around us, the music blasting loudly throughout the day was not too bad. Some bands were awesome, some were OK. Nevertheless it was great to walk around and see the animals at the livestock area. Little piglets were just born the other day and we saw them asleep next to their Mommy Pig. It was cute to see. There was also alot of sheep, lambs, and mainly alot of goats. The goats were very affectionate as we petted them. There were all kinds of nice animals to look at. Rabbits, mice, chicks, and of course this huge Oxen was standing so tall over us that it was an amazing sight to see an animal that huge.
As we continue to walk around towards the carnival, taking in all the sights of the rides and attractions and the barkers beckoning the people to shoot baskets win a stuffed toy or something of that nature. Alot of rides were huge and scary looking. It was such a beautiful day being outside walking around the carnival.
To me the best part was eating. Oh so much to eat, but so much to decide on! Funnel cake at the end of the day really topped it off. Ate alot of Funnel cake and stopped at the Disney section to do some karaoke
e for a free ice cream bar. Took that ice cream bar and walked off one of the best and most fun time I ever had at a fair. There was so much to see and do. Not to mention so much to eat -- deep fried and yummy and delicious. I don't think I have ever ate so much in my life and tremendously enjoyed every moment there. If you have not gone to the OC Fair, go! It'll be the best times ever!
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